The New Year isn't starting out great, being unemployed and not really finding anything jobwise. I'm interviewing, but.....
Then there was the matter of Elmo injuring his left knee and has been hobbling around.
Digger had to have dental work in December, and he is doing well. Poor baby, had an abscessed tooth as well. Chloe appears to have a small hernia.
We had electrical problems in the house and it turned out to be a bad breaker and that ate up some money. And then my computer has been acting up again as well. So it's been fun! NOT!
I'm hoping a job will come along that will fill the bill for improving the finances and is close to home. What a joke the City of Elgin Website is with their claim that Elgin is a good place to live and work! Ha! What jobs? Minimum wage? They think that constitutes "good jobs"? What a bunch of hype!
At least our weather hasn't been bad at all, compared to what some parts of the country have been dealing with. I'll take the cold over what some other people are putting up with! This is only the second snow we've had that amounted to anything and I haven't really even needed a snow blower.
I've been working on the Newsletter (hardcopy) and doing some fun projects around the house, like cleaning! Laundry! HA HA Also making some decorations. The Christmas tree I put up outside snapped in half from the weight of the other snow we had, so I'm just using the top half in the watergarden area and plan on decorating it for Valentine's Day and also for St. Patrick's Day. I've been making Valentine's hearts and a couple of other things to put on it and then for March I'll make some shamrocks! Craft projects are good therapy between sending out resumes and making phone calls to employment agencies!