Tabby Abbey Times

The Blogletter of the Pets, By the Pets and for the Pets, and the PetPeople!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Big news! Tabby Abbey is moving! No set date yet, but we are packing, packing, packing. Also, sorting, sorting, sorting and tossing, tossing, tossing!

We've been very busy here and have not had the time for posting here and for that we apologize. It's difficult to do everything and have time for the fun stuff like this. Time has been spent just moving packed boxes to our new location and that's quite a trip what with road construction and all. Then, after we arrive, the boxes get unpacked! There won't be many boxes when we finally all get moved in!

Where are we going you ask? Deerfield, IL. Moving east! It's about 25 miles from our current location and hopefully will be more job friendly when I start looking.

Lots of stuff going out to the garbage! It's unbelievable what you can accumulate in 12 years! I'm really cutting back on lots of stuff! When it comes to the final move, there really won't be more than a few large pieces! I'm not going to need most of the big pieces of furniture. What will be going over are both computer hutches, the futon, my potting bench, the chest freezer, filing cabinets and that's about it!

Tabby Abbey and Tabby Abbey Times will continue! Stay tuned!