Tabby Abbey Times

The Blogletter of the Pets, By the Pets and for the Pets, and the PetPeople!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

UPDATE 2008--by Momcat

We're back! We've moved to Deerfield and we have a few things to tell you. First of all, we gained a new cousin at Thanksgiving last year, named Twinkie, a little stray female that had been hanging around aunty's house for the past year. Then in January we lost our cousin Butch.

And April 7, yesterday, we lost our beautiful Chloe. She died suddenly after not being well over night. The cause is unknown. She came to us in April of 2004 at about a year old or a little older and she's left us in April 2008. Digger has not been well and has various health issues that we've been dealing with and that he's been taking medication for. He is not in very good health and I'm sure he misses Chloe very badly. I know I do, we all do. She was such a little person and the room seems so quiet without her and her honking and thumping, dish rattling and whatnot. I will be spening more time with Digger because he needs companionship. He seems to be looking for her when he's been out for playtime. Dr. Ron believes he has a growth in the abdomin and there is really nothing else we can do for him other than the meds. So we take our time together one day at a time.

We'll keep you posted. We don't have internet here at aunty's yet. I'd planned to get it when I get a job. So far I have not been too successful in finding one over here. I've applied to several places and so far nada! And here I thought it would be a better job market over here. Remains to be seen. So, to use the internet I go to either the library here or when I go back to Carpentersville, to the library over there.

As far as the house is concerned I spend time over there and the work on it will now be getting done finally.

At aunty's house there are a number of smaller projects to be done, one of which I completed over the weekend. There are two walls in the utility that are now nicely painted and it really brightens up that area. Previously they were the rough drywall. So that's one project done. We also washed kitchen walls and ceiling for part of our spring cleaning. The next painting project will be the bay window I believe. There's always fun things to do like that.

Until our next post, which I know will be sooner than it's been!