Tabby Abbey Times

The Blogletter of the Pets, By the Pets and for the Pets, and the PetPeople!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Here's a recent sketch that was ordered for an early Christmas gift. This little angel's name is Chelsea and she is adorable!

Currently I'm working on two sketches of bunnies for someone in Arizona. Have another one I started for someone in Florida.


More orders for sketches are coming in! For more information on ordering sketches of your pet, email me at . I need two good photos, or one really good one to work from. The original sketch is 9x12 for $30 including postage and handling.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


As promised! The PPP Cartoon of their first theater production: "Gone With the Whiff". And let me tell you, there are more where this came from!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

OCT TA Times Page 3

Elmo's page with his recipe and some advise on health issues. Elmo is very concerned with people eating right and staying healthy. He also recommends daily walkies for two-legged and four-legged friends.

OCT TA Times Page 2

Our little skunk friends show up nightly for any handouts left in the bird area. Smudge the cat often has to dodge around the various visitors. This skunk happens to be one of the little ones that visits. Some of the other skunks are quite large inspiring us to name one of them "Goodyear" and another "Volkswagen".

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Here's the actual first page of the Tabby Abbey Times newsletter that went out recently. We finally figured out how to do it! Bully for us! Oh, we will be putting the rest of this issue in the blog in additional posts. Stay tuned...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Looks like the on-line gallery mom was trying to set up isn't happening. It's one of those deals where you can put 6 works on/in it for free, but anything more you have to pay. Okay, so they're supposed to e-mail you to confirm your e-mail. Mom has heard nothing from them and even tried e-mailing their "support" or "verify" address and the email keeps coming back undeliverable! So much for that! And they have the nerve to advertise on TV during the painting shows that mom watches.

Other news, the carpeting will be going in the house in the next couple of weeks. Also, the kitchen floor will be done by the same company. Mom has to get the tile herself and then they will install it. And, get this! Mom had LUNA come out and the same carpeting only (they don't do tile or sheet goods!) was $1900 more than what she's having done! So much for LUNA and their great pricing due to flooding! The carpet mom was shown from both places is made by Shaw Carpeting. Bye Bye LUNA! Hit the road!

We'll keep you posted. Meantime, we hope you are enjoying the beautiful fall colors and weather. We are! And now, it's time for walkies!

Oh, I'm going to "see the ladies" (the groomer) tomorrow so I will be a beautiful doggy dude again!

Bye for now.

Thursday, October 02, 2008


Moving right's been working on more pet sketches and she told me she's going to do another one of me soon! I think that makes 4 or so of me! I enjoy sitting with mom when she works on them upstairs in our rooms. She sits in her chair, watches TV and sketches. I like to sit in the window seats or else on my nice soft pad next to her chair. I have a nice little blue blanket mom pulls over me if I look like I need it.

Here are some sketches she's done of Huskie dogs for other people. I think they turned out very nice indeed. Mom has gotten several more orders for Christmas presents too, so she's happy to keep busy with those! As mom gets them finished she said she'd like to post them here so watch for the latest additions!

Bye for now!