Tabby Abbey Times

The Blogletter of the Pets, By the Pets and for the Pets, and the PetPeople!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


We have had problems sending the Newsletter out in email and we were told that it's because of the way the library server interacts with the yahoo server and the way yahoo keeps "upgrading". More like degrading. Anyway, mom is now sending the email newsletter through gmail. Hope you don't have any trouble getting it. We really want to keep in touch with everyone.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


WOW! Has this been a crazy few months! In December I had a bunch of teeth pulled because they were so bad! Then auntie had a bad fall and broke her hip. On top of that, we had a big snow storm and things were a big mess. Mom had to come home on her lunch break to take care of us (me) and I had to help out by using the little bathroom if I couldn't wait until mom got home.

Auntie is home again and things are getting back to a more normal situation.