Tabby Abbey Times

The Blogletter of the Pets, By the Pets and for the Pets, and the PetPeople!

Monday, April 17, 2006


Okay, so that's not me in the profile, it's St Felinus.

I decided not to put my photo in the profile because I'd, we'd, rather have St Felinus' picture there. Hopefully at some point we will be able to get a better photo of him to replace this one. But we wanted everyone to see what he looks like. Wouldn't you say he looks like a happy, fat cat? We thought so too.

And as I think I mentioned before, he gets dressed up for some holidays and we will show you those outfits from time to time.

Of course there's a story behind how he came to be at Tabby Abbey and I will briefly relate the event.

I happend to see this particular garden statue on the front stoop of a house one day when I was driving through a subdivision nearby. I fell in love with it immediately and wondered where these people had gotten it. Well, I wasn't very brave to actually stop at their house and ask them. Although now that doesn't seem too bold of a thing to do. But back then I was too hesitant to do so.

Everytime I passed by their house I would look at the cat standing there as if guarding their front entrance and I thought how perfect he would be for the St Felinus part of Tabby Abbey. Each time I drove by I was trying to get up enough nerve to pull into the drive, knock on the door and ask the big question: "Where did you get this cute statue?" And everytime, I would just drive by.

As time went by I started telling myself, okay, if I ever see these people outside doing yard work I will stop in and ask them.

One day as I aproached their house, I saw a man and a woman in the driveway and I was filled with delight, at last I could stop and ask.

As I was about to commit to turning into their driveway, I could see that they were having a very heated argument! Instead of turning in, I just kept going passed their house. I was so disappointed.

Time went by and I didn't give anymore thought to asking them.

Then one day, my sister called and left a message on my answering machine. The message said, "I've found St. Felinus. Call me."

I had no idea what she was talking about at that point. I began to think she had found a real church or religious group with that name!

My sister had been making the rounds of the local lawn & garden, and nursery locations and at one of these she spotted the statue!

Needless to say, I went, I saw, I bought, and I brought him home to Tabby Abbey!


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