ABOUT ME---by Henry

Hi, I'm Henry the lastest member of Tabby Abbey. I came to Tabby Abbey last fall. Well, I had been around the neighborhood for some time, but it wasn't until the weather got cold that Mom brought me inside.
I'm about 3 years old I guess, it's hard to remember when I was born, or where actually. I remember living with some people and then some other people who didn't let me in the house very much and then not at all. They didn't bother to put any food out for me either and I just decided one day to wander off. Afterall, there wasn't much reason to stay around was there?
It was bad in the cold and hot weather and trying to keep safe or even find a place to sleep that was secure was difficult. Living rough is not a good thing. Several times I tried to duck into the garage here at Tabby Abbey and that didn't work very well. A lot of times I just slept in the leaves in quiet spots in some yards behind sheds and such. It was not very restful. And getting enough to eat was always a problem.
I kept hanging around Tabby Abbey because I could see there were others like myself living there and I thought perhaps at the very least, maybe some food would be thrown out that I could find. Sometimes I would just lay on the sidewalk by the porch when it was hot. The only water available at that time was from the people across the street who had a little garden fountain in their front yard.
Then the weather started to cool off and while that was a good thing, it also meant that the crushing cold of winter would soon be upon me again. I did not like to think about that.
As the days grew shorter and the nights colder, the lady at Tabby Abbey begain bringing me leftover food that the furpersons inside did not eat. It was a banquet! Oh, and she brought water too! It was wonderful. For the first time I had hope of surviving the winter!
One day, while I was sitting on the porch with this lady, (mom, now) she asked me if I would like to come inside and live there. At first I wasn't sure about this, I mean other people had taken me in their houses too. There was something different about this time. So mom carried me in and for the first few weeks I lived in the computer room by myself until I could be checked by the doctor and have some tests made. When everything came back okay, I was allowed to mingle with the other furry children.
It's been wonderful ever since! I like to sit with mom in the evenings when she watches the TV and I purr to her. She gives me kisses and I know I have a good home, a forever home.
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