Tabby Abbey Times

The Blogletter of the Pets, By the Pets and for the Pets, and the PetPeople!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

THE YARD---by Momcat

Finished look of the water garden area.
Real forest grass starting to come up in front of the silk flowers.

This time of the year finds me out in the yard with all kinds of projects and work that needs to be done.

One of the first little projects was to clean up the water garden area. I've decided not to put the water garden in so something had to be done with that spot! Otherwise it just looked like a nasty hole right up by the house (outside the breakfast room windows!). So a quick and no-cost solution was to use what I had on hand and just clean it up.

Which was easier said than done, of course. First I had to remove all the rocks and junk that had been tossed in there because there was nowhere else to put the stuff!

All the rocks got taken around to the back corner behind the loosestrife. Okay, one problem solved. Rocks! What DO you do with them when you have no way of getting rid of them and your property is small.

Next I dragged out all the silk plants I had in boxes in the garage and used those to dress up the spot. And for fill around the plants I was thinking of buying some white why did that set off a little bell in my head? White....roundish objects to use for fill.....OMG!!! I have golf balls! Lots of golf balls! That I didn't know what to do with! TA DA! They got used for fill! They got used in the pots and around the pots and filled in the whole thing very nicely.

I guess you could say this is a good example of waste not, want not. I didn't really know what I was going to do with all these golf balls, but, hey, they worked!


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